Welcome to ENGL 384, Disability and Literature (and to the dis/lit website)!

Hi, everyone!

Your Canvas course is now published.  I will read through the syllabus and calendar on Tuesday, our first day of class, but you are welcome to browse it beforehand, of course, and send me any questions in the interim.  Also, all of your assignment sheets already are posted under the Assignments tab, if you are interested in checking any of that information out.

While the classroom will be the primary site of our conversations, this separate course website will serve as a second vital course space.  In addition to functioning as a repository for the aforementioned syllabus and assignment sheets, you will be posting your written work to this website, and using its blogroll as a crucial place for class participation/discussion outside of our synchronous meeting times. Please add the site to your bookmarks tab for easy access.

See you on Tuesday!  Best–Dr. Foss

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